Leading Automotive Equipment Dealer Since 1987
Depending on who you ask, there are several answers to the question of the most important part of a vehicle. For some, it’s obviously the engine, without that, it doesn’t go anywhere. For others, it’s the transmission, after all, even if the engine is running, if the transmission is shot, you aren’t going to get the vehicle to move. Finally, some will say it’s the windshield. We try not to compare, we know that all the pieces work together to help people get from Point A to Point B, and without any of those things, it would be much more difficult to do so. However, we also know how important it is to have good windshield repair tools. After all, if rain starts to come in through the windshield or you have a giant crack across the front, it’s not safe for you to drive. Luckily, with our selection of trim tools, weatherstripping tools, and windshield repair tools, you’ll be able to find everything you need to stock your shop.
Replacing a windshield is a fairly uncomplicated task, but it’s essential that the weatherstripping tools are high-quality to perform the job properly. Nothing looks worse for a garage’s reputation than hearing a customer complain about a leaky windshield after you replaced it for them. Having the right windshield repair tools is essential for this task as well. Without it, you may have a harder time getting the old out and the new one in, whereas, with the right tools, the process will go much more smoothly. While you’re stocking up, don’t forget about your trim tools. We offer sets and removal tools to make that job easier on you, and faster for your clients. It can be difficult to know what you’ll need to do in the future for your clients, but having all the necessary tools is a great step to having happy customers.
If you have any questions or concerns about our selection of tools and equipment, please feel free to reach out to us. We have customer service representatives standing by to assist.